When transactions slow or become delayed, the repercussions are significant. Financial penalties, poor brand reputation - even the loss of customers. Uninterrupted transaction are the financial lifeblood to any company.
Get full visibility of transaction processing for Payments, ATM, POS and EMS alert monitoring.
The transaction monitoring module provides payment card industry compliant, real-time monitoring and archiving of the transaction flow information created by payment and transaction applications such as Atlas GBS, NCR Authentic and LUSIS Tango.
View online, accurate metrics about the status of the transactional payment or ATM and POS network systems. Prevent sustained and costly lowering of interchange / switch activity. Proactive identification of Vendor, ATM, POS, Network and Interchange problems while minimising staff involvement.
Generate income for payment, POS | ATM service providers by offering new real-time, secured browser transaction information to registered clients. Be in a position to observe and tell each member bank what the success rate of their transactions are.
Dashboards instantly display key business indicators affected by XPNET devices, middleware, faults, downtime, communication errors, etc. Floating gauges, dials, bar charts, line charts, pie charts, tables, all available for executive review and analysis of transaction data.
Provide role-based data and readouts to all levels of operations and management. Improve efficiency with customised alerts to SMS, Pager, Email, SNMP or Enterprise Managers.
Get realtime views on your smartphone with our new mobile app, Lighthouse.
Deliver all embracing, business-driven management that controls, reports and automates corrective actions BEFORE your users call and tell you that you have a problem with your payment systems.